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What is family violence?

Find out what family or domestic violence is and how it’s defined.

Impacts of family violence

Family violence causes significant physical, emotional, psychological and financial harm to those who experience it, and can be lethal.

Who experiences family violence?

While most people who experience family violence are women, it can impact anyone.

Forms of family violence

Family violence can take many different forms including, but not limited to, physical abuse.

Family violence statistics

Using data and statistics is an effective way to explain the prevalence and impact of family violence and violence against women.

What causes family violence?

Family violence is a complex issue and there is no single cause. There are many factors that predict or ‘drive’ higher levels of family violence in the community.

Family violence myths

There are many myths surrounding family and gender-based violence. We share some common questions and misconceptions about family and gender-based violence, and the facts to help counter them.

Preventing and responding to family violence

Ending family violence is long-term work that must occur at all levels and all sites across the community. 


If you are experiencing family violence

If you are experiencing family violence, there are services that have family violence experts who can listen to you, help you explore your options and help you think about what you want to do next. 

Advice for family and friends

Family violence often happens behind closed doors, making it hard for people experiencing abuse to reach out for support. This page has information for friends, family, neighbours and colleagues about supporting someone who may be experiencing family violence.

How you can contribute

There are a number of ways that you can support Safe and Equal and our member organisations. Your donation can strengthen our work in preventing and responding to family and gender-based violence.

Stories from survivors

Read about people’s experiences of family violence and abuse to understand the various forms and how they survived.

“I congratulated myself for surviving the terrible experience I had endured. I saw it as a great feat of strength.”

Stories from

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Search our directory of specialist family violence services in Victoria.