Victorian Emergency and Disaster Response

Tuesday 21 December 2021

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This blog post shares key updates and links regarding Victorian emergency management. These include Victoria’s revised State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP), SEMP roles and responsibilities and the new Emergency Recovery Resource Portal (ERRP). The table provided outlines key contacts in emergency and disaster for members to use and share with their local community and clients.

Victoria’s revised State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) 

The SEMP details the state emergency management arrangements for the mitigation of, response to, and recovery from emergencies. It informs all levels of planning across Victoria – state, regional and municipal.  

The 2021 Review was undertaken across a six-month period and included comprehensive engagement with the emergency management sector, government departments and supporting agencies. 

The SEMP Roles and Responsibilities document (linked below) lists an extensive range of emergency and disaster support including fire, flood, and animal welfare. 

The State Emergency Management Plan Roles and Responsibilities is a web-based section of the State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) which includes a detailed Roles and Responsibilities section.  

The Victorian Government has launched a new Emergency Recovery Resource Portal (ERRP) 

The new portal provides emergency recovery guidance and information for practitioners from communities and agencies supporting recovery in Victoria. 

Over 50 resources from a wide range of sources are now available in the ERRP, to inform and guide recovery activities and decision making. Greater access to these resources will better enable community-led recovery and resilience practices. 

The portal is part of the Victorian Government’s response to the Inspector General for Emergency Management (IGEM). It was co-created by people and practitioners from across government and the community. 

We encourage our members to share the table below with their local community or clients, particularly in the lead-up to bushfire season in Victoria. An additional resource produced by Better Health Channel in consultation with The Department of Health outlines services that you can call for immediate help1. 

In an emergency, always call triple zero (000) on any phone that has reception, even if the phone is locked you can drag the ‘Emergency SOS’ slider to call emergency services. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, dial 106 to use the text-based emergency services network on a teletypewriter.  

VicEmergency Hotline 
Call 1800 226 226 
Flood, storms, tsunami or earthquake
Victorian State Emergency Service (SES) 
Call 13 25 00 
Workplace emergencies
Worksafe Victoria 
Call 13 23 60
Medical issues
Nurse On-Call
Health information helpline provided by registered nurses.
Call 1300 606 024
Gas and electrical emergencies
To report gas emergencies, call the emergency number on your gas bill for assistance at any time. 

To report fallen electrical power lines and power outages contact your electricity supply company. 

Call (03) 9203 9700  

Maternal and Child Health Line
Family health line for child health, maternal and family health and parenting advice provided by maternal and child health nurses.  

Call 13 22 29

Red Cross Information Line
Find a bushfire relief centre or locate affected family and friends. 

Call 1800 727 077 

Support for accessing phone services
Call the National Relay Service(if you are deaf or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone) on 1800 555 677 and if you don’t speak English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50. 

Page last updated Tuesday, December 21 2021


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