How you can contribute

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We all have a role to play in ending family violence in our community.

Your donation can strengthen our work in preventing and responding to family and gender-based violence. Make a secure donation using your credit card on the GiveNow website.

If you would like to donate using a cheque or bank transfer, please contact us.

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

Other ways to contribute

Support our members

As the peak body for family violence in Victoria, we represent Victorian organisations providing tailored and specialist services for people experiencing family violence. If you’d like your donation to go toward a specific local community, check our list of members.

Donate goods or clothing

We receive many generous offers of clothing, goods and temporary accommodation for people experiencing family violence. As we don’t deliver services directly to victim survivors, we are not able to distribute donated goods. Check with your local family violence service.

Philanthropic and corporate partnerships

We partner with a number of philanthropic organisations to address systemic family violence issues in the community. Read how we’re working together for change.


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Search our directory of specialist family violence services in Victoria.


With the Safe and Equal monthly bulletin