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Browse our library of resources and publications, developed by Safe and Equal in partnership with organisations from across the sector. This library is sorted by the date that the resource was added to the library.

Fast Facts on Family and Gender-based Violence 2023

‘Fast Facts’ provides an overview of statistics and key facts related to experiences and impacts of family and gender-based violence, and changing social attitudes towards these.

Affirmative Consent and Primary Prevention Practice Webinar

Affirmative Consent becomes law in Victoria in July 2023. Delivered in partnership with SAS Vic and YAC Vic, this webinar explores affirmative consent and how it complements existing prevention programs.

In Conversation: The State of Play in Workforce Development Webinar

This webinar explores the state of play for the primary prevention workforce, in Victoria and nationally, examining who it includes, the breadth and scope of activity being undertaken, and what’s needed to further develop and strengthen the workforce to meet its broader goals.

Intersectionality in Primary Prevention

‘Intersectionality in primary prevention’ builds on Safe and Equal’s commitment to intersectionality and aims to draw on existing knowledge and experience in applying an intersectional analysis and approach to the prevention of family and gender-based violence. 

How to Use Statistics in Primary Prevention

‘How to Use Statistics in Primary Prevention’ aims to support a greater understanding of the importance, uses and limitations of statistics within the context of primary prevention and family violence.  

Supporting victim survivors of family violence with family animals

Developed in collaboration with Family Safety Victoria and refuge providers, these guidelines provide information about supporting victim survivors of family violence with family animals.

Are You Safe at Home? Supporter Information Session

On Thursday 6 April, Safe and Equal hosted an online information session for people wanting to support Are You Safe at Home? Day in 2023.

What is Primary Prevention? Connecting across the continuum from prevention to response

‘What is Primary Prevention?’ aims to promote understanding of work across the continuum from prevention to response, as well as provide practical suggestions to improve connection. 

How We Thrive Video Series

This resource suite contains four videos supporting tip sheets, helping managers and leaders to understand what prevention practitioners need to feel supported and valued in their organisations.


Fast Facts on Family and Gender-based Violence 2023

‘Fast Facts’ provides an overview of statistics and key facts related to experiences and impacts of family and gender-based violence, and changing social attitudes towards these.

Affirmative Consent and Primary Prevention Practice Webinar

Affirmative Consent becomes law in Victoria in July 2023. Delivered in partnership with SAS Vic and YAC Vic, this webinar explores affirmative consent and how it complements existing prevention programs.

In Conversation: The State of Play in Workforce Development Webinar

This webinar explores the state of play for the primary prevention workforce, in Victoria and nationally, examining who it includes, the breadth and scope of activity being undertaken, and what’s needed to further develop and strengthen the workforce to meet its broader goals.

Intersectionality in Primary Prevention

‘Intersectionality in primary prevention’ builds on Safe and Equal’s commitment to intersectionality and aims to draw on existing knowledge and experience in applying an intersectional analysis and approach to the prevention of family and gender-based violence. 

Some of our online resources are also available in print.

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With the Safe and Equal monthly bulletin