Safe and Equal’s submission to the MARAM 5-year evidence review

26 June 2023

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Safe and Equal is pleased to provide a submission to the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework’s (MARAM) 5-year evidence review.

Allen and Clarke are appointed to undertake the legislated review, which aims to:

  • assess whether the approved framework reflects the current evidence of best practices of family violence risk assessment and family violence risk management. 
  • recommend if any changes are required to ensure the approved framework is consistent with those best practices. 

The MARAM framework, practice guides and associated tools have resulted in improvements in risk assessment and risk management practice across the service continuum. Our member consultations, historic and current work on MARAM have demonstrated that there remain opportunities to strengthen and amend them to truly meet current best practice.

Subequently, Safe and Equal’s submission outlines a number of recommendations relating to accessibility, intersectionality, working with children and young people, evidence-based risk factors, risk assessment and safety planning tools. We look forward to the outcome of this important review, to ensure victim survivors receive a best practice response wherever they seek support. 

Page last updated Monday, June 26 2023


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